Scripture Outlines

Old Testament Outlines

Obadiah: One Who Serves God

Obadiah, the shortest book in the Old Testament, is a dramatic example of God’s response to anyone who would harm his children. Edom was a mountainous nation, occupying the region…

book of amos
Book of Amos: Universal Justice of God

Book of Amos The teachings found in the Book of Amos have resonated with God’s followers for generations and remain pertinent for both individuals and countries today. Despite their separation…

book of joel
Book of Joel: Jehovah is God

Book of Joel “Joel, the son of Pethuel,” whose name means “Yahweh is God,” gives the book of Joel its title. Little is known of Joel except what is learned…

book of daniel
Book of Daniel: God’s Plan for the Ages

The Book of Daniel The Book of Daniel, nestled within the Old Testament, stands as a profound and captivating testament to the unwavering faith in the face of adversity. Daniel,…

Ezekiel: Punishment is Certain

Ezekiel While Jeremiah was prophesying in Jerusalem that the city would soon fall to the Babylonians, Ezekiel was giving the same message to the captives who were already in Babylon. …

Lamentations of Jeremiah: Anguish and Hope

Lamentations of Jeremiah In the Lamentations of Jeremiah, Jeremiah grieves deeply because of the destruction of Jerusalem and the devastation of his nation.  But in the middle of his book,…

book of jeremiah
Book of Jeremiah: Turn Back to God

Book of Jeremiah In the book of Jeremiah, Jeremiah confronts many people with their sins: kings, false prophets, those at the temples, and those at the gates.  A lack of…

Isaiah: Here Am I Send Me

Isaiah The book of Isaiah is the first of the writings of the Prophets in the Bible; and Isaiah, the author, is generally considered to be the greatest prophet. He…

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New Testament Outlines

second john
Second John: Beware False Teachers

The apostle John had seen Truth and Love firsthand – he had been with Jesus. So affected was this disciple that all of his writings, from the Gospel to the…

second peter
Second Peter: Beware of False Teachers

Second Peter Second Peter is a letter of warning – from an authority none other than the courageous, experienced, and faithful apostle. And it is the last communication from this…

first peter
First Peter: Encouraging Christians

The Epistle of First Peter In the epistle of First Peter, Peter wrote to Jewish Christians who were experiencing persecution for their faith.  He wrote to comfort them with the…

book of james
Book of James: Submit Yourselves to God

Book of James In the book of James, James wrote to Jewish Christians who had been scattered throughout the Mediterranean world because of persecution. In their hostile surroundings, they were…

Hebrews: Supremacy of God’s Son

The Book of Hebrews In the book of Hebrews, the superiority of Christ over everyone and everything is clearly demonstrated by the author.  Christianity supersedes all other religions and can…

Philemon: Dearly Beloved, Fellow Laborer

The Epistle to Philemon One of three personal letters in the Bible, the letter to Philemon is Paul’s personal plea for a slave. Onesimus “belonged” to Philemon, a member of…

Titus: Leadership in the Church

The book of Titus Titus was a Greek believer. Taught and nurtured by Paul, he stood before the leaders of the church in Jerusalem as a living example of what…

second timothy
Second Timothy: Paul’s Last Letter

The Book of Second Timothy In Second Timothy, Paul gives helpful advice to Timothy to remain solidly grounded in Christian service and to endure suffering during the difficult days to…

first timothy
First Timothy: Christian Leadership Manual

The Book of First Timothy The Apostle Paul wrote First Timothy in about A.D. 64, probably just prior to his final Roman imprisonment. Because he had appealed to Caesar, Paul…