Scripture Outlines

Old Testament Outlines

second kings
Second Kings: Turn From Your Evil Ways

The Book of Second Kings In the book of Second Kings, we read of evil rulers, rampant idolatry, and a complacent populace – certainly pulling downward. Despite the pressure to…

first kings
First Kings: Walk Before God With Integrity

The Book of First Kings The main events of First Kings are David’s death, Solomon’s reign, the division of the kingdom, and Elijah’s ministry. As Solomon ascended the throne, David…

second samuel
Second Samuel: Living for God

The Book of Second Samuel In Second Samuel David took the fractured kingdom that Saul had left behind and built a strong, united power.  Forty years later, David would turn…

first samuel
First Samuel: Book of Great Beginnings

First Samuel is a book of great beginnings… and tragic endings. It begins with Eli as high priest during the time of the Judges. As a religious leader, Eli certainly…

book of ruth
Book of Ruth: A Story of Redemption

The Book of Ruth The book of Ruth is the story of God’s grace in the midst of difficult circumstances. Ruth’s story occurred during the time of the judges –…

book of joshua
Book of Joshua: Victory Over Our Enemies

The Book of Joshua In the book of Joshua, Joshua demonstrated his faith in God as he took up the challenge to lead the nation.  The Israelites reaffirmed their commitment…

Deuteronomy: Fifth Book of Moses

The book of Deuteronomy In the book of Deuteronomy, Moses reviewed the mighty acts of God for the nation of Israel. Remembering God’s special involvement in our lives gives us…

Numbers: Fourth Book of Moses

The Book of Numbers The events in the book of Numbers cover a span of about 39 or 40 years in Israel’s history – from 1440 B.C., when they left…

Leviticus – Third Book of Moses

Leviticus: The Heart of Old Testament Worship In the book of Leviticus, God provided specific directions for the kind of worship that would be pleasing to him. These instructions teach…

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New Testament Outlines

second john
Second John: Beware False Teachers

The apostle John had seen Truth and Love firsthand – he had been with Jesus. So affected was this disciple that all of his writings, from the Gospel to the…

second peter
Second Peter: Beware of False Teachers

Second Peter Second Peter is a letter of warning – from an authority none other than the courageous, experienced, and faithful apostle. And it is the last communication from this…

first peter
First Peter: Encouraging Christians

The Epistle of First Peter In the epistle of First Peter, Peter wrote to Jewish Christians who were experiencing persecution for their faith.  He wrote to comfort them with the…

book of james
Book of James: Submit Yourselves to God

Book of James In the book of James, James wrote to Jewish Christians who had been scattered throughout the Mediterranean world because of persecution. In their hostile surroundings, they were…

Hebrews: Supremacy of God’s Son

The Book of Hebrews In the book of Hebrews, the superiority of Christ over everyone and everything is clearly demonstrated by the author.  Christianity supersedes all other religions and can…

Philemon: Dearly Beloved, Fellow Laborer

The Epistle to Philemon One of three personal letters in the Bible, the letter to Philemon is Paul’s personal plea for a slave. Onesimus “belonged” to Philemon, a member of…

Titus: Leadership in the Church

The book of Titus Titus was a Greek believer. Taught and nurtured by Paul, he stood before the leaders of the church in Jerusalem as a living example of what…

second timothy
Second Timothy: Paul’s Last Letter

The Book of Second Timothy In Second Timothy, Paul gives helpful advice to Timothy to remain solidly grounded in Christian service and to endure suffering during the difficult days to…

first timothy
First Timothy: Christian Leadership Manual

The Book of First Timothy The Apostle Paul wrote First Timothy in about A.D. 64, probably just prior to his final Roman imprisonment. Because he had appealed to Caesar, Paul…